Chicco Bravo 3-in-1 Trio Travel System, Quick-Fold Stroller with KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat and base | Camden/Black
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Chicco Bravo 3-in-1 Trio Travel System, Quick-Fold Stroller with KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat and base | Camden/Black

Product ID: 277698735
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A Perfect Match: The Power Couple of Infant TravelThe Chicco Bravo Trio Travel System combines the full-size Bravo Quick-Fold Stroller with the KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat and base for streamlined travel. With easy click-in compatibility, the KeyFit 30 is secured via the Bravo child tray, offering adapter-free convenience and effortless transitions from car to stroller.Three modes – a lightweight frame carrier, a versatile travel system and a full-size toddler stroller – cater to your travel needs as your little one grows from newborn to toddler.Comfort and ConvenienceFor child comfort, the Chicco Bravo features a one-hand, multi-position reclining seat, a convenient child tray with cup holders, storage basket and a large, UPF 50+ canopy with peek-a-boo mesh window for protection from the elements in all 3 modes.The Bravo Stroller showcases large, sleek wheels with treaded tires and all-wheel suspension to navigate uneven terrain. The rear-linked foot brake secures the stroller with a simple tap and the multi-position push handle adjusts in height for parent comfort.For additional parent convenience, the toddler stroller has a one-hand smart fold with auto-swivel front wheels and stands independently on the wheels without the parent handle touching the ground. The large storage basket features two organizer pockets, mesh sides for visibility and easy front & rear access.Infant Travel SystemThe baby stroller and car seat combo 3 in 1 includes the KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat engineered with innovative safety features, like RideRightTM Bubble Level-Indicators, ReclineSureTM Spring-Loaded Leveling Foot, premium LATCH connectors for easy attachment and removal and the one-pull SuperCinch Force-Multiplying LATCH Tightener that make it the easiest infant car seat to install correctly.For installation with the vehicle seat belt, clear belt routing and integrated lock-offs make it easy to position, tighten and lock the belt into place.

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