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Bougie for Intubation - ONTEX Adult Endotracheal Tube Introducer - Box of Ten Pieces
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Bougie for Intubation - ONTEX Adult Endotracheal Tube Introducer - Box of Ten Pieces

Product ID: 77336277
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Usage Instructions: 1. Select the right size ET tube you plan to intubate. 2. Lubricate introducer with KY jelly. 3. If cords not visible, identify landmarks to aid intubation. 4. Place introducer into the pharynx and direct into larynx. If necessary, bend the introducer to negotiate the corner. Correct placement may be confirmed by detection of trachea and hold up of the bougie - no hold up indicates oesophageal placement. 5. Leave laryngoscope in place while assistant threads ET tube over introducer into trachea. If tube sticks at the laryngeal inlet, a 90 degree counter clockwise rotation may help. 6. Hold the tube firmly in place and gently withdraw the introducer.

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